Owning any kind of pet is a big responsibility because you have an obligation to care for the animal for its lifetime.
If you liken the new four-legged addition to your family to that of an infant, you’ll realize that there are some items you simply cannot do without if you want to give your pet the best life possible. Due to the unique standard of care they require, today we are going to focus on the essential items new horse owners will need.
Your horse will need a safe space to protect them from the elements. It is crucial that you have a stable, either on your property or externally, where your horse can be securely housed, fed, and watered. Once they’ve become accustomed to a space that is demonstrably theirs, they’ll always return with ease.
Your horse will need bedding in its stable. The most popular bedding products are usually straw, sawdust, wood shavings, or wood pellets. Some boarding facilities use paper shavings because they are not allergenic. Others opt for rubber mats underneath the wood or sawdust. To keep your horse healthy, stalls need to be mucked out daily, and bedding changed often too.
Correct Feed and Sufficient Water
As babies progress to toddlers, then kindergarteners, tweens, teenagers, and eventually adults, their nutritional requirements change. The same principle applies to your horse. It is imperative that you have the correct food and dietary supplements for them to keep them at optimal health. Water is essential to keep them hydrated, especially after a training session, whether in a paddock or an outride.
Every horse owner requires basic equipment such as bridles, bits, and a saddle. In equestrian circles, the most expensive item does not always mean that it is the best one available. As a new horse owner, we recommend discussing potential purchases of tack with experienced horse owners or your veterinarian.
Grooming Supplies
To keep your horse in favourable health, grooming is essential. Daily care sessions afford you time to bond with your horse and also to check for any signs of health concerns such as parasite activity, hoof, or even rain rot. It is advisable to have a farrier check your horse’s feet at least every eight to ten weeks.
Horses are known to enjoy brushing. There are many different types of horse grooming brushes available; some can be used over your horse’s entire body, while others are made especially for their manes and tales. As you get to know your horse better, you’ll also discover their preferences; some horses like slightly harder bristles on their bodies, but prefer combs for their manes and tails.
Regular Vet Visits
Some horse owners will tell you that their horse’s health bills cost more than their own. It is crucial that you have enough money to cover veterinary expenses. Our advice is to obtain pet insurance to cover your equine companion’s medical expenses.
Essential vet visits you must budget for are a dental check-up annually, bi-annual vaccinations, and regular deworming (which can be as much as six times a year). Horses can require deworming sessions six times per year.
You should be able to get started with these guidelines. We wish you and your horse many happy years together.